Mapping the Middle East Mess with Merissa Khurma

Pathways is committed to bringing you content that you likely won’t consume in your regular media diet.

We’re honored to have this conversation with Merissa Khurma from the Wilson Center- mapping out the mess in the Middle East.

Who are the major actors, and what do they want? What comes next? Can we avoid a regional war?

Watch this critical briefing from one of the nation’s leading experts on the Middle East.

At Pathways, we value diverse opinions and open, honest dialogue. The views expressed in this and any other briefing are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect our organization’s stance. We are committed to fostering many more conversations like this in the future. Thank you for watching.

Pathways is a nonprofit educational organization that works to support collaboration between mainline churches and the Jewish community. We advocate for peace and reconciliation through dialogue and building relationships. While the world seeks to build walls and silos, we believe that Christ has created a pathway for us through the example of His life, ministry, death and resurrection: to build community by bringing people together.