Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pastor Stavrakos: Keep faith- Why the Jewish community shouldn’t abandon engagement efforts with mainline Protestants

Keep faith: Why the Jewish community shouldn’t abandon engagement efforts with mainline Protestants – eJewishPhilanthropy [...]

Let them hear our voices

For decades, the PCUSA General Assembly has put forth resolutions regarding Israel – Palestine. Historically, [...]

What is Pathways?

  Pathways for Middle East Peace is a nonprofit educational organization that works to support [...]

Clergy Network Referrals

Pathways has developed a clergy network that receives regular updates and curated resources designed to [...]

PATHWAYS For Engaging Progressive Christians about Israel and Antisemitism

Click below to download your complimentary handbook “Pathways for engaging progressive Christians about Israel and [...]

The Many Problems with Labeling Israel an Apartheid State

Quite often, in our fractured discourse, we see groups appropriate language that should exclusively belong [...]